How To Plant Your Seedling

2024 Seedling Species

Western Soapberry

Western Soapberry is a moderate sized, deciduous tree. It’s mature height is 40’ - 50’ with a crown spread of 25’. It is not compatible with overhead utility lines and must be planted at least 20’ from utility lines. The Western Soapberry has large amber berries through the fall.

Mature Western Soapberry tree is NOT utility compatible.

Mature Mexican Buckeye is utility compatible,

Mexican Buckeye

Mexican Buckeye is a deciduous tree. It’s mature height is 15’ - 25’ with a crown spread of 15’ - 20’. This tree is utility line compatible and may be planted 5 or more feet from a utility pole. This tree is drought resistant.

Choose the right tree for the right place.

Red Zone: Tree growth in this zone may cause outages and fires.

Yellow Zone: This is an area that is safe for small stature trees. At maturity they should reach no higher than 20’ and be planted at least 5’ from utility poles.

Orange Zone: This is an area that is safe for small medium sized trees. At maturity they should reach no higher than 40’ and be planted at least 20’ from utility poles.

Purple Zone: This is an area that is safe for large stature trees. At maturity they can reach 40’+ and should be planted at least 50’ from utility poles.


  1. Dig a hole large enough to insert the roots without bending or crowding. The hole should be 2 - 4 inches deeper than the root length.

  2. Remove one seedling at a time from its container and plant it. Position the seedling in the hole with the top of the soil at or slightly above ground level.

  3. Fill the hole halfway with topsoil and add water to settle soil around the roots.

  4. Fill the rest of the hole and form the soil around the seedling with your foot, adding more soil if needed.

  5. Form a sturdy ridge of soil around the seedling large enough to catch and hold 2 gallons of water.


  • Plant seedlings as soon as possible after receiving them (2 weeks maximum).

  • DO NOT plant under dry, windy or hot conditions or during periods of prolonged freezing.

  • Prior to planting:

    • Keep seedlings shaded and cool.

    • Water three times/week.

    • Do not allow to freeze.

  • Remove container from one seedling at a time as it is planted.

  • DO NOT expose roots to harsh sun or wind (30 seconds maximum).

  • Water each seedling immediately after it is planted.

  • Continue to water at a rate of 8 - 10 gallons/week for the first one to two years.

Printable version of this information.

Instructions and saplings provided by the Texas A&M Forest Service - West Texas Nursery.

Video Sapling Planting Instructions