Event Host Marketing & Promotion
Event Host Toolkit
Marketing your Roots & Wings Festival Event!
As an official Roots & Wings Festival partner, it’s important to promote your event to your community! It’s also important that those attending your event understand that it is part of a larger Roots & Wings Festival experience. One way we can do this is by using unified messaging when sharing about the Festival. The following requirements and resources will help ensure a more cohesive experience for all attendees as each event will be promoting their own event.
Always use the correct name when speaking or writing about the event: Roots & Wings Festival. The ampersand (&) should be included in all written text, apart from hashtags, which will not allow it. For hashtags, you may spell out the “and” (i.e., #RootsAndWingsATX)
Please include the Festival event logo on all materials related to your event. The logo is available in orange, dark brown, and white. Choose a color that ensures a high enough contrast with any background you use.
When possible, please try to use Roboto Slab. Roboto Slab is also a standard font in Canva.
Please try to use the following color scheme in all for marketing materials. The Canva templates have been set up with these colors in mind.
HEX: #33232b
RGB: 51, 35, 43
HEX: #ef8c2a
RGB: 239, 140, 42
Follow these guidelines when creating a website or Facebook Event Page.
Guidelines for Your Event Name:
Your Event should use the format of: [Your Event Title]: A Roots & Wings Festival Event. For example:
Build Your Own Pollinator Garden: A Roots & Wings Festival Event
Ask an Arborist: A Roots & Wings Festival Event
Your Event Description:
Please begin your event description with the following:
We’re excited to be hosting an official Roots & Wings Festival Event! The Roots & Wings Festival is held from Saturday, October 19th -Sunday, November 3rd, and is a community-wide celebration honoring Arbor Day and Monarch Appreciation Day in Austin. Join us in celebrating the Roots & Wings Festival on [YOUR EVENT DATE] with [YOUR EVENT NAME].
After this initial text, you may add in more of what your attendees can expect at your event. For example: nature walks, family-friendly crafts, etc.
End your event description with the following: The Roots & Wings Festival is brought to you by the City of Austin and community partners. Learn more and find additional events at www.rootsandwingsfest.com.
Additional Marketing Resources
Use the resources below to support your marketing needs and make your event a success. To create your own version, you will need to create an account with Canva. Once you've done that you'll open a linked template in select File. Then select Make a Copy and you’re ready to customize the template in your own Canva account. You can download it to your computer when you’re done.
Social Media Templates:
Be sure and Like Austin Nature in the City before you begin. This will allow you to find and list us as a co-host.
Please note that a Facebook “Page” is different from a personal Facebook account. Only a Facebook Page can add a co-host. Learn how to create a Facebook Page.
Create Your Event: Learn how to create an event for your Facebook Page.
Nature in the City As Co-Host: Learn how to add Nature in the City as a co-host to your Facebook Page Event.
It’s important to ensure that attendees know that your event is part of a larger Festival. If you have any planned or scheduled remarks or announcements during your event, please include the following:
This event is part of the Roots & Wings Festival, Austin’s annual celebration of Arbor Day and Monarch Appreciation Day. The Roots & Wings Festival is held each fall and is sponsored by the City of Austin and partners. This year’s Festival runs through November 3rd. You can learn more and find more related events by visiting www.rootsandwingsfest.com.